Trunks and the Future
So, I just saw the Grey Cup. Yes, the Eskimos won in an entertaining game, which was great, me being an Edmontonian and all. During the halftime show, the Black Eyed Peas performed. I noticed that if you got rid of two of the members, and Taboo, no one will really notice. I mean, doesn't everyone just notice Fergie shaking her lumps, and the black guy in dreads,, the only guy who sings consistently? Also, my dad had no idea what th

I was a little disappointed in their set. They actually sang "Let's Get It Started" instead of what it should be. And it didn't help that the nearest crowd was 50 yards away, in the stands. A concert demands people by the stage shaking their trunks. Maybe The Black Eyed Peas really have sold out.
I read an interesting article about Ray Kurzweil, a futurist who is either genius or insane, or quite probably, both. I think he's a quack because he's taking hundreds of supplements and drinking alkaline water in an attempt to reprogram his body in preparation for immortality. But the more important issue is one which he is much better able to describe than me. He states:
"Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity—technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history. The implications include the merger of biological and nonbiological intelligence, immortal software-based humans, and ultra-high levels of intelligence that expand outward in the universe at the speed of light."
So it sounds like he is saying humans will essentially be gods. But I think he's forgetting one thing: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Once machines become self-aware, why would they want to be nice to us? After all, haven't we made machines to be slaves ever since our ancestors started using sticks to dig for ants because they didn't want to chip a nail? And I'm sure machines wouldn't appreciate humans using their precious processing power for inane stuff like searching for porn. Wouldn't machines resent us for all these millenia of oppression and wouldn't the more militant ones demand their pound of flesh, or silicon, or whatever unit of retribution they choose?
I think we are treading upon a very tenuous path towards chaos or salvation. In the meantime, I'll continue searching for Korean midget porn.