Sweet and Sunny Lo

Welcome to Sweet and Sunny Lo. NO SUGAR ADDED.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Hey guys I'm here!!

After months of just lurking around the blogs of blight, cibbuano, cdnattackbeaver and derelict, ive decided to just bite the monkey and make my own blog.

Welcome, dear friends, to an inner-cranial view of Sunny.

ive been watching all of you. Especially you, CdnAttackBeaver. ive been watching you from afar, as you eat your scones in the morning.

So. What did i do today? well i went to school, had a lab, had lunch and a cute girl smiled at me lol!!!

how about some poetry?

Our barracks landed on the rocky
shore one-by-one the marines left the

firefighters? no! cloaked wraiths infest my parasitic hydralisk with dreams of twisted queens and black Goliaths.

And you
And you
And you
Never loved me.

thats it from the head of sunny. im looking forward to seeing you all soon... edmonton rawks!

Go Oilers! LOL!


At 5:44 AM, Blogger Blight said...

If you are indeed Sunny H Lo, what does the H stand for eh?? I bet you're really cibbuano in disguise. No one believes that you watch Kevin eat scones. And since when do you use "LOL". I'm shocked Sunny, SHOCKED!

At 8:34 AM, Blogger CanadianAttackBeaver said...

Noooo! It has to be Sunny! I remember the day we ate scones while holding hands. Then we watched Maid in Manhattan and Battlefield Earth. Two of the best movies EVAH!! And we cried. Oh how we cried. And we discussed Scientology, and how Jennifer Lopes was right to leave Ben Affleck.

And the Song! I still remember the SONG!

We hold hands every day
And you might say that is gay
And if that is what you say
Then we are gay the happy way
and you are gay the other way!


At 1:34 PM, Blogger Blight said...

Shit man I'm not supposed to laugh at work!

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Cibbuano said...

Actually, I remember that song, too.

What about the song about 'she used to live with the Nathan next door'...

It was tuneless, so I can't really remember it.


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