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Friday, May 08, 2009

War, What is It Good For??

I just read an amazing article by an female ex-Tamil Tiger guerilla fighter, now a happily married mom living in Australia. Rather than me trying to inadequately critique it, just read the damned thing. Better than me trying to explain it, here it is:

Life as a female Tamil Tiger Guerilla Relived by one of the first female soldiers

On a similar note, I gave a presentation about war a few months back. The idea was to present a topic you hate and then try to make a convincing case that supports this topic. I was inspired by Jonathan Swift. Here is the dialogue:

War, What is It Good For??

This song was written by pussies, too afraid to defend themselves, just a bunch of fucking liberals who were picked on by other kids. Losers. Who want peace and love? Well, fuck them all. What good can that bring? People holding hands and singing ‘Kumbaya’. Have a flower? What the fuck kind of message is that? You killed that fuckin flower by pulling it out of the soil!

War is good, and I’ll tell you why.

It’s in our instinct to kill, to dominate, to be in control. Look at humankind. Why do we eat meat? Because we like to kill things. We like to inflict pain onto other people and other animals. Look at history. People like Genghis Khan, Hitler, Julius Caesar. All men who slaughtered other people. Democracy was made by weak witted fools who wanted to Share. Why? Because they were too weak to fight. So they came up with manmade concepts like morality, justice, and equality. Socratic Dialogue? Socrates was a fucking bum who lived on the streets! Do you think the Spanish Empire gave a shit when they destroyed the Native Indian population of the Americas? Of course not! It is what we are, people. Killers. Murderers. Learn to embrace our nature.

War solves a problem with finality. Got a problem with someone and you want to do something about it? Well, how about wiping them off the face of the world, so that they won’t bother you any more? No need for negotiations. Just get it over with. Jails? Why do we need jails? It’s just wasting our money and resources. Just put prisoners into gladiator fights. It would be both a source of entertainment and reduce costs to society. Even senior citizens, too. What good are they in nursing homes, putting such a huge burden on the health care system? Let them fight to the death. Problem solved. It’s the law of the jungle, baby.

War is honesty. Why talk about it and skirt the issue? Why the fuck should we discuss our problems? Feelings? It’s just another word for pacifism made by tree huggers. Just settle it like men, without talking or sharing your emotions. We are hate deception, and people being sneaky and dishonest. Be proud of yourself and express yourself truthfully. If you hate someone, just tell it to the person’s face instead of behind their back. It’s being true to yourself, instead of bowing to societal norms which force you to hide and suppress your true feelings. And if a fight ensues, so be it. War is what it is. It may not be pretty. It may not be nice. But acting out your emotions is honesty. And couldn’t we use a little more honesty in the world?

As you can see, war is a great thing. It solves problems, and makes us more honest. And who writes history? The victors. Not the losers of a war. The losers are forgotten, as they should be. In essence, they are nothing to us. They have no lasting impression. So why the fuck should we care about them anyway? Only the strong survive. So in essence, war is good. War is love for humanity.


At 11:10 PM, Blogger Blight said...

And how.


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