The Sickness that Wouldn't Go Away

I have seen a doctor and got some drugs, but they don't seem to do a thing. I think it's clear the infection is mocking me, messing with my mind. It's just trying to prolong my suffering, like a yapping dog that just grabs onto your leg and won't let go.
I almost wish I was getting worse. That way, at least something would change. Then I would know at least where I stand.
I haven't been going to work the last couple of weeks. I showed once for a couple hours, but then the pharmacist told me to go home, given my coughing fits. I guess it's better if I wasn't coughing on the patients' meds or my co-workers. Something about public health. I still go to school, though. Because well, students are supposed to get sick.
My mom probably thinks I got sick because I moved out and haven't been taking care of myself. Maybe she's right.
what, you got sick as soon as you moved out? Sounds like your mother put a curse on you.
Or maybe it's psychosomatic on your part. You're mentally creating this illness because you miss the warm safety of living at home.
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It's probably a curse, but why would my mom curse me? If you can't trust your mom, who can you trust?
It has gotten better, but now it almost seems to be getting worse.
I blame Bobby McFerrin. Because I am not happy.
sounds like you weak Canadians have no immune system. Ha!
If you have an ear infection for a month, shouldn't you be getting worried?
I had a bad flu/cold recently, so I think something was going around. I was so sick that I was literally crying.
It's cause you didn't eat your green beans!
Eat your green beenz!
wake up lil dude
you coming to the xmas party?
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