Post Number 22
In case anyone wants to know, I have forsaken the beard, since basically, it looked like crap. I could not bear it. It was a monstrosity, unkempt, untamed. I could not bear the responsibility of taking care of it.
The problem with these blogs are is that there will always be someone doing the same thing you are. Try searching about anything you write. Chances are it's already been done before.
Cow testicles. Done.
Monkey assassins. Done.
Fluorescent chalk. Done.
Maybe I should get a little more creative.
I'm starting to choose my classes for next year. By choose, I mean one, since every other course is predetermined. I have one option next year, and I should make the most of it.
I'm looking at stuff ranging from Film Studies, or Drama, or Badminton, among others. I am looking for something fun, easy, and non-Pharmacy related. Enough with the drugs already. I want something where thought is not so structured and geared towards memorization. I've had enough of that for now. A reprieve, a change of pace would be appreciated. I'll probably end up taking something like The Anthropology of Star Trek.
A couple things I discovered on the Internet:

I have been watching Celebrity Jeopardy, at least the SNL version. Freaking brilliant. Brings me to tears.
Oh, Mr. Connery, why do you have to be so mean to Alex Trebek? What did he do to you?