Sweet and Sunny Lo

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Do You Have Rhythm?

Some people say I'm a pretty good dancer. That's why some people said as I broke out some moves at the Blue and Gold Ball, the annual dinner for pharmacy students, where everybody dresses up, all hoity-toity like.

"Smooth" you might say. That's what one girl said to me. Honestly, I think some people are on crack.

They must be mistaking flailing my arms and legs senselessly in an epileptic fit as dancing. Just because I can move my arms and legs doesn't mean I have soul or rhythm, or what black people call the "shiznit". You need coordination, the footwork. It's a minor miracle I don't fall down or knock somebody down every time I get on the dance floor .

I have never taken dance lessons. Well, excluding that time in Grade 8 called social dance. But that was a time when the boys and girls would huddle off into their respective segregated corners of the gym, all awkwardly glancing at their feet or nervously looking at the other side. Still others would eagerly anticipate their chance to dance with that person you've always secretly been admiring. That is until, you notice that your partner's hands are sweating like crazy. At least I know if Cadillac Ranch plays, I can show off my line dancing.

In fact, anyone can perform such moves as the Shopping Cart, the Lawnmower and the 'Gunshot to the Head'. It's really quite simple: You can do anything you want on the dance floor and you can be considered progressive, as long as you don't care what people think.


At 12:05 AM, Blogger Blight said...

Exactly. I don't care what people think when I bust my moves on the floor. But I haven't heard as many smooth compliments as you probably have. You have a unique style, and that's cool.

Who wants to just be like everyone else? Everyone else does I guess. Not me.

At 2:47 AM, Blogger Derelict said...

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At 4:55 AM, Blogger CanadianAttackBeaver said...

Damn Derek and his sweet moves.

But yeah, I think that everyone needs to realize that you look like more of a dork standing and shuffling your feet than cutting loose.

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Cibbuano said...

yeah, stupid Derek... let's send a letter to his house full of itching powder!

Lobo, didn't that guy from the Black Eyed Peas love your style? You should have agreed to dance in one of their new videos.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Derelict said...

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At 7:18 PM, Blogger Cibbuano said...

uh yeah...that was awkward. But like you said, Derelict, clubs are kind of the same now, awkward and uncomfortable.

At 10:57 PM, Blogger Blight said...

Personally that's why the hump-her-leg-hip-hop clubs are cool, Derelict can still get his "As long as you don't mind a little of THIS!" on.

Slow dancing and rubbin' are where it's at.

Unless you go out with your friends to actually DANCE, then that's different.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Derelict said...

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At 3:39 PM, Blogger MistaLobo said...

The thing I hate about dancing in clubs is that there ain't no room. Man, I need my room to dance; if there ain't no room to get my flow, there just isn't any point.

About the Peas, that woulda been cool to be in one of their videos, but would I have street credibility anymore, after the Lumps thing?

There's always room for the leg-humping clubs.


At 3:48 PM, Blogger Cibbuano said...

I hate packed clubs too, but if you're all candied up, it seems like the most natural thing in the world to be on packed dance floor...


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