Sweet and Sunny Lo

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Friend Going Down A Different Path

You remember Derek, right? That former peace-lovin, treehuggin, free-lovin hippie that once vowed to 'stick it to da Man'? He is now a diaper-changin, office worker who now goes to sleep at 10 pm for something he likes to call 'work'. In short, he is now the Man. How could his life have been so horribly twisted?

Derek is now a member of the 'Bar'. Yep, I saw it. In a ceremony best described as renouncing his pagan roots and making a handshake with the Devil, Derek officially became a lawyer. To be fair, Derek was mocked for his proficiency for using Ziploc bags in a crowded Indian bus and his crossdressing tendencies, to which he attributed to the foolhardiness of impressionable youth.

The reception at the law firm afterwards involved wine and cheese and expensive imported beers reserved only for preferred guests.

His elite lawyer buddies talk about driving their new M6s , J45s and THX-1138s down the QEII at 200 kph. Irresponsible? Not when you can hire a fancy German autobahn expert to testify that driving at this speed is quite reasonable. Pretty soon, Derek will be invited to $25 million homes to discuss the most efficient way to house the poor in squalid shantytowns while ruing the perils of shipping Italian marble across the Atlantic Ocean.

Derek, already with a fancy 25th story office with a excellent window view, is no longer content. He now demands an office with at least 3 marbletop desks, a private bathroom and a properly trained masseuse.

Mr. Beaulac....um....Elliott, we hardly knew ye.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This account, while based on real events, may contain some factual inaccuracies


At 5:23 PM, Blogger Cibbuano said...

get out of here... Derek getting accepted to the Bar - that's not that unbelievable. Sunny posting again, now that's something else!

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Derelict said...

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At 10:46 AM, Blogger Blight said...

I want to see Derek yelling out "I object!", can someone coerce him into doing so while I'm down there?

Can we sit in the audience while he performs his lawyerly duties?

Or is he not a "going to court" kind of lawyer?

At 11:13 AM, Blogger MistaLobo said...

I'm still waiting for Derek to send his saucy picture of misspent youth so I can post it.

I believe he's doing business/real estate law. I don't know how much court he's gonna do.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all right lobo, the pictures are coming...

why do i feel like i am stuck in a "b" rated movie. no cibbano that is not a stab at your foray into the film world. btw, anyone had the pleasure of viewing cibb's movie?

warren, i hope you never get a chance to see me say "i object", since that is an american procedural rule. you and your tv stereotypes of us hardly working bloodsuckers.

btw, i only usually go to court to kick unfortunates out of their homes. so... i don't know what you're talking about, i'm still in touch with my hippie roots. anyone want to go hug some trees?

At 6:49 PM, Blogger Derelict said...

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At 3:22 PM, Blogger Blight said...


I guess I better not try to represent myself then.

At 9:55 AM, Blogger CanadianAttackBeaver said...

You go to Court? Do you have a funny wig?

Sorry, I should know better than that.

Oh and for the record, I have yet to meet a lawyer that doesn't work their fucking ass off. Hence, why I probably couldn't be one.


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