Thoughts of Another Day
The life of a student does kinda suck. I've had tests every week for the last 2 months, except for one. Is it really a surprise that my social life consists of asking other classmates about what answers they got for the test we just wrote?
I'm sure we just like to whine about our student lives until we can finally get out of debt and afford to buy that fancy yacht and have shrimp cocktails out by the marina with our golfing buddies while lighting cigars with a $20 bill. Yes, that will be the day...
Ever wanted to read a book, but never had the time? Well here's the thing for you. A cell phone company is making text message books for all the people who are too lazy and grammatically illiterate to read a real book. Here's the supercondensed Coles Notes version of Pride and Prejudice:
5SistrsWntngHsbnds.NwMenInTwn-Bingly&Darcy Fit&Loadd. BigSisJaneFals4B,2ndSisLizH8sDCozHesProud. SlimySoljrWikamSysDHsShadyPast. TrnsOutHesActulyARlyNysGuy&RlyFancysLiz. SheDecydsSheLyksHim.Evry1GtsMaryd.
Lk, lol.DtSoCoo! Wonder when the Bible edition comes out. It would probably be something like: "GodGut.DvlBad.BlaBlaBla.MmmFish." Well, maybe not the last part, but you get the idea.

Donnie Darko, this is a cool movie. Any movie that discusses important issues like the sexual preferences of Papa Smurf and Smurfette and what happens when a jet engine from another universe drops into your bedroom get my vote. It's also got some really catchy music, from the 80s, including a band with the really strange name:Echo and the Bunnymen. Who in their right mind would name a band with that name? Makes me want to wear a Cosby sweater.
Oh, Mr. Men, where have you gone? After checking my buddy BeaverPhear's blog, I came across one of fonder memories from childhood. I love the simplicity of these books. They are as good, if not better than the Dr. Suess books, with less acid and more silliness. The Mr Men website is pretty brilliant. I just love Mr. Greedy. Anything he encounters, he just eats.

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Good post, Sunny. The Mr. Men are a throwback to an earlier, simpler time.
As a student, you've got to face the fact that you're going to bust your ass for exams and assignments. But when Friday rolls around, that's when you should be elbowing your fellow classmates to get stumblingly drunk.
I think devouring anything and everything in your path is an effective life strategy.
Oh and Mr. Men and Dr. Seuss rule.
Derelict: Few memories, eh? Must have been all the bible-thumpin'. Too many thumps must have made it jump from your memory.
And I gotta work on my "Hey cmon, yeah cmon. no, lesbian,..." skills. Isn't that how it went?
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Dr. Seuss is cool, but referencing to his books is a little overdone.
And I can't tell you how many people I've seen with those 'cat in the hat' hats...
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That, or one of those oversized leprechaun hats. With big, blackframed glasses.
Kevin would be a classic leperchaun.
He'd look up and twirl his hair while saying "Gold? I don't know where any gold is... what is this 'gold'?"
I think he'd say "They're always after me lucky charms".
Then twirl his hair and scream "Burn them. Burn them all!!"
I was actually twirling my hair as I read that.
But soom I'll have my goatee back, so you won't know if I'm going to twirl my hair or stroke my goatee. I'll be impossible to predict!
Got exams, MistaLobo?
MistaLobo you have to post regularly or I will flog you when I come down to Edmonton.
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