Sweet and Sunny Lo

Welcome to Sweet and Sunny Lo. NO SUGAR ADDED.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Ho ho ho

It's almost Christmas time again, and frankly it's not a big deal. Right now, it's just an excuse for commercialism, and godamnit, how can you celebrate Christmas when there is no snow on the ground? Maybe it's fine for people in California or Florida, but this Canada. I don't know how other people do it in the warmer parts of the world, but here, having Christmas without snow is like having KFC without the special blend of herbs and spices. I mean , it's just not the same. It's unnatural. I think Christmas should be banned in places where there is no snow, or at least called something else, like Hanukkah.

Is it possible to not have a white Christmas in Edmonton? I doubt it, although it is unseasonably warm.

I still haven't put up my Christmas tree, it's been the same one used for the last 20 years. and it never gets old, it could probably last for another 100 years. Nothing like artificial trees , that don't lose needles like regular trees. I find I don't care much about buying Christmas presents. Maybe I have just become cynical.

I was thinking about my legacy, you know, what my contribution to the world is, and really, I haven't done much that is really memorable, stuff that would make people say, "Look, there goes the greatest man in the world." I was considering immortalizing myself in the Wikipedia, so people could know who I was, but then after doing some research, I guess creating an article about yourself is strongly discouraged. Supposedly, if you have contributed something meaningful. then someone else would have made an entry on your behalf. It's like giving yourself a nickname. Nicknames should only be given to you by other people. So, if anyone has anything worthwhile to write about me, do it.

Guess there is a consolation prize of sorts: Wikime, which is intended to be a name repository for the unfortunately obscure.


At 11:51 AM, Blogger Blight said...

Well as far as I'm concerned you already have a legacy among your peers.

The guy that smiles all the time, says "Heyyyyyyy", comes 4 hours late because he had to "eat", comes 4 hours late with a slurpee in his hand even though its -40C outside and when asked what the hell took him so long he just says "Heyyyyyyyy", etc. I could go on.

I mean, who else had 4 characters in Final Fantasy for the NES named AAAA, BBBB, CCCC, and DDDD and dedicated enough time to get them all to level 99.

Who else made thousands of dollars playing "lemonade stand"?

Who else has a legacy so desirable that someone (Cibbuano) tried to usurp it?

If we had enough money, we'd probably make a cast iron statue of you holding a slurpee and issuing a contented grin.

Anyway I think if your aspirations are larger than that, you have to get your ass in gear and start doing something.

For example, go into politics with me - which I plan to do in 4 years. Get ready MistaLobo!! You too can make the world a better place.

Or maybe you were just wanting an entourage of hot nubile chicks following you around? You'll have to ask Beav for advice on that. At least he has experience with the being followed around part - in a figure-eight even!

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Cibbuano said...

No prob, Lobo. Me and the rest of the guys will make you a Wikipedia entry!

Anyone got a photo of Suns?

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Derelict said...

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At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear that sunny Sunny has not changed when it comes to the grin!

Your smiles are your trademark.

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Cibbuano said...

The first thing I knew about sunny was that he smiled all the time. It was in Grade 7, and Warren introduced him to the entire guy as 'the only guy [he] knows that smiles in his sleep'.

At 6:30 AM, Blogger CanadianAttackBeaver said...

Ha! I knew Sunny longer than all of youz!

And I think Sunny should box up everything he's ever witten or doodled on, deposit it in a library, catalog it really poorly, and call it the "Lobo" collection.

That way, people can benefit from Sunny's wisdom for years to come.

At 8:18 AM, Blogger MistaLobo said...

Man, I can feel the love...

I love you guys...


At 2:27 PM, Blogger Cibbuano said...

You love us? I'm sorry Sunny, but I don't think we're ready for that kind of relationship just yet. We were okay with it being casual, but now you've gone and FREAKED us out.


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