In Search Of...

But on Friday night, we discovered where are the Oriental girls hung out: bubble tea shops. And it was due to the fact that a friend we were with didn't have his ID when going to the local sluttery barn, the Armoury, formerly known as Club Malibu. So instead of ditching the one friend who was ID-less, we decided to wander Whyte Ave for other sources of entertainment. And we stumbled upon this bubble tea shop just off Whyte, Dream Tea House.
Well, not girls, exclusively, but where the Asian ratio was something like 10:1. And there were people of all ages there. The thing I liked about it were the couches. Any place that has couches gets my seal of approval. Couches send the message that we're not all about making money and it's ok to just hang out here as long as you like, to sit and relax, and to take your time.
And it was a relaxed atmosphere, where people were playing dominos, and a gam

I ordered a bubble tea with logan and ginger. Dee-licious.
And after the ID-less one did leave, the rest of us decided to go to the Armoury, and it was everything I had expected, for better or worse. Packed with people, writhing like sardines in a can to Top 40. Hideous washrooms with paper towels clogging the sink.
I'm off to Montreal on Tuesday night, to go to PDW, aka Pay-Day-Dooble-Vay as the Quebecers might say, or Professional Development Week. It's a pharmacy student conference where we are supposed to be learning about the profession and listening to speakers talking about pharmacy. But the main draw is Montreal. I'll be back on Sunday night.