Erratic Hodge-Podge

So, I got myself a cellphone, joining the throng of people perpetually annoying everyone else with those tones that sound off at the most inopportune time. It has a camera, too, so I can take sneaky pictures whenever I want. Of course, now people can harass me 24/7. If you really want to call me, email me first.
I'll be going to my first hip-hop concert on Thursday, to see Jurassic 5. I especially like Chali 2na, who I consider to be the James Earl Jones of rap. Anything he says sounds amazing. He'd make a great cult leader. With that voice, he could command people to erect a statue in his honor, and they would do it, no questions asked. Because they don't want the voice to get angry.
And here's a crazy video by those crazy Japanese people. Frankly, I just don't question what they do anymore. You won't find the answer you're looking for.

Today's topic: English Lessons for Mugging Victims