Sweet and Sunny Lo

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Should I Eat My Neighbour or Not? ---- ‘The Road’ Movie Review

Should I Eat My Neighbour or Not? ---- ‘The Road’ Movie Review

You're a survivor in a barren world after a devastating undisclosed apocalypse has destroyed all vegetation, leaving the soil infertile. Nothing will grow. And the earth is cold, and the sun is an echo in your mind. The weather is at best, overcast and cloudy, with a chance of precipitation. You're hungry for a nice juicy steak. But all the cows have been slaughtered for food, long ago. There are hungry cannibals chasing after you. What do you do?

Welcome to 'The Road', a movie based on the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Cormac McCarthy.

Viggo Mortensen plays the hardened everyman who survives in a barren world, protecting his son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) who was born post-apocalypse, never knowing about playgrounds or the sunshine. They are just alien concepts in a world where the father has just two bullets in his gun: one for his son, and one for himself. Names are irrelevant in a movie like this, where the main characters are suitable called The Man and The Boy. Charlize Theron has a smaller role as The Wife with little hope, in flashbacks seen throughout the movie.

Mortensen has played this role before: a character hardened by circumstances beyond his control, struggling to maintain his humanity. And he does a great job at it, as always. The boy is really good, too, as he struggles to grow up as a lonely, friendless child in a grim, grim world.

Both the director John Hillcoat and cinematographer Javier Aguirresarobe paint a bleak landscape full of dirty grey and foreboding, where hope is almost non-existent and compassion will get you killed. They are hauntingly effective. I felt myself drawn into this movie, and found myself wondering, what would I do in a world like this? Some scenes can be quite suspenseful, especially as The Man descends into the darkness down a flight of stairs in different parts of the movie, in search of something---- anything useful to survive.

If there's a movie that will make you question whether your fellow humans will eat you, this is it. If there's a movie that will leave a sick stench of decay in your mouth, this is it. If you like to watch really depressing movies, this is it.

Watch The Road! You'll hate it and love it at the same time. You’ll want to wash your dirty hands afterwards, to wash off the dirt that doesn’t exist.

The Road raises a great question: What do you do in a post-apocalyptic world, where humanity has no future, and extinction is inevitable? Do you resort to cannibalism, suicide, or live a difficult, moral life, based on society that no longer exists?

I know one thing for sure: I'll have to stockpile some canned food in my basement.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Singing "All By Myself" all by myself

Haven't done karaoke in a long time. Last time I did, I did Eric Carmen's All By Myself. And sadly, I was all by myself singing it, until I got someone to sing along, until I was no longer all by myself. But she wasn't very good, so I think I would've preferred singing All By Myself all by myself.

What's the last song you've done?

Friday, May 08, 2009

War, What is It Good For??

I just read an amazing article by an female ex-Tamil Tiger guerilla fighter, now a happily married mom living in Australia. Rather than me trying to inadequately critique it, just read the damned thing. Better than me trying to explain it, here it is:

Life as a female Tamil Tiger Guerilla Relived by one of the first female soldiers

On a similar note, I gave a presentation about war a few months back. The idea was to present a topic you hate and then try to make a convincing case that supports this topic. I was inspired by Jonathan Swift. Here is the dialogue:

War, What is It Good For??

This song was written by pussies, too afraid to defend themselves, just a bunch of fucking liberals who were picked on by other kids. Losers. Who want peace and love? Well, fuck them all. What good can that bring? People holding hands and singing ‘Kumbaya’. Have a flower? What the fuck kind of message is that? You killed that fuckin flower by pulling it out of the soil!

War is good, and I’ll tell you why.

It’s in our instinct to kill, to dominate, to be in control. Look at humankind. Why do we eat meat? Because we like to kill things. We like to inflict pain onto other people and other animals. Look at history. People like Genghis Khan, Hitler, Julius Caesar. All men who slaughtered other people. Democracy was made by weak witted fools who wanted to Share. Why? Because they were too weak to fight. So they came up with manmade concepts like morality, justice, and equality. Socratic Dialogue? Socrates was a fucking bum who lived on the streets! Do you think the Spanish Empire gave a shit when they destroyed the Native Indian population of the Americas? Of course not! It is what we are, people. Killers. Murderers. Learn to embrace our nature.

War solves a problem with finality. Got a problem with someone and you want to do something about it? Well, how about wiping them off the face of the world, so that they won’t bother you any more? No need for negotiations. Just get it over with. Jails? Why do we need jails? It’s just wasting our money and resources. Just put prisoners into gladiator fights. It would be both a source of entertainment and reduce costs to society. Even senior citizens, too. What good are they in nursing homes, putting such a huge burden on the health care system? Let them fight to the death. Problem solved. It’s the law of the jungle, baby.

War is honesty. Why talk about it and skirt the issue? Why the fuck should we discuss our problems? Feelings? It’s just another word for pacifism made by tree huggers. Just settle it like men, without talking or sharing your emotions. We are hate deception, and people being sneaky and dishonest. Be proud of yourself and express yourself truthfully. If you hate someone, just tell it to the person’s face instead of behind their back. It’s being true to yourself, instead of bowing to societal norms which force you to hide and suppress your true feelings. And if a fight ensues, so be it. War is what it is. It may not be pretty. It may not be nice. But acting out your emotions is honesty. And couldn’t we use a little more honesty in the world?

As you can see, war is a great thing. It solves problems, and makes us more honest. And who writes history? The victors. Not the losers of a war. The losers are forgotten, as they should be. In essence, they are nothing to us. They have no lasting impression. So why the fuck should we care about them anyway? Only the strong survive. So in essence, war is good. War is love for humanity.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Omegle: A Throwback to the 90s

Remember those halcyon days of the 90s, when the internet was in its infancy? Well, it's back. Those awesome chat rooms: AOL, ICQ, Alamak. It's conversation with a complete stranger, from the privacy of your own computer, ONLINE! Check out Omegle. Here's a transcript of one of my conversations. And it helps if you know both Chinese and French. And sorry, it's pretty damn long.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: yo
Stranger: hi
Stranger: what's up
You: so, you know the deal: a/s/l
Stranger: i don' know
You: How can you not know?
Stranger: what do you want to do
You: how bout play golf?
Stranger: i'm a new one
You: From where are you?
Stranger: it spend so much money
Stranger: chinese
Stranger: and you
You: chinese
Stranger: yes
You: yes, it is so
Stranger: did you have been here?
You: i look long at the ocean
Stranger: which province?
You: Henan
Stranger: o
You: u?
Stranger: i study in jiangsu
Stranger: i from guangxi
You: wow
Stranger: live in guangdong
You: Guangdong not Guangxi
Stranger: what's your favorite sport?
You: hockey
Stranger: i grow up in guangdong
Stranger: i like table tennis
Stranger: i was burn in guangxi
You: tennis is good sport
Stranger: do you know my means?
Stranger: but i am a new guy
You: 你好
You: I new too
Stranger: i don't want to speak chinese
You: ok
You: You want to English?
Stranger: if you want to speak chinese
You: no.no, i english to you
Stranger: just simply talk
Stranger: ok
You: how weather now?
Stranger: because my English is poor
Stranger: cloudy
You: Engrish good for me
You: sunny
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: you are not bad
You: outside 10 up temperature
You: i no
Stranger: here outside 19
You: u like ice cream?
Stranger: you are a student or a worker?
Stranger: no
You: I is student
You: U study in what subject?
Stranger: i just like white hot water
Stranger: 工程管理
Stranger: i'm a boy
Stranger: and you
Stranger: which university
You: How is water white? Me girls like
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: i mean hot water
You: Henan University
Stranger: do you know my mean
Stranger: it is a good university
You: u mean good
Stranger: 我在苏州科技大学
Stranger: no,no
You: ok
Stranger: i'm grade two
Stranger: and you
Stranger: may i have your name?
You: university four year
Stranger: my name is Wang guibin
You: my name is Xuo Fuichi
Stranger: oh,my study eld sistrer
You: I like sister older
Stranger: ????
You: My sister is older. I like sister
Stranger: i don't understand your mean
Stranger: do you mind tell me your age?
You: 30
You: sister 31
Stranger: oh
You: sister good
Stranger: i was burn in1986
Stranger: but i like a brother
You: have you brother?
Stranger: why you don't tell me your study subje?ct
Stranger: no
Stranger: i have three sisters
You: how 3 sisters?
Stranger: i'm the second children at my family.
Stranger: one elder sisiter,tow sister
You: i from farm, 2 child only
Stranger: may i have your QQ numbers?
Stranger: en
You: how qq?
Stranger: maybe i know
You: know what?
Stranger: your family just 4 peole
Stranger: people
Stranger: i from counryside
You: yes
Stranger: family is poor
You: work hard, but poor
Stranger: you said it
Stranger: you don't know QQ?
You: no
Stranger: i don't believe you!
Stranger: have past the Englsh grade four test?
You: why
Stranger: Every chinese all know use it
Stranger: just you say haven't the QQ number
You: i am chinese
Stranger: you not??
You: what is not?
Stranger: not is a chinese
You: Honestly, I am Chinese.
Stranger: i feel my English so bad
Stranger: oh
You: It's not that bad
You: You are learning
Stranger: why you didn't have a number
Stranger: about it
You: I do not use it
Stranger: understood
Stranger: thank you your words
Stranger: do you have got marry?
You: No, I am single
You: And you?
Stranger: why
Stranger: you like single?
Stranger: i'm not
You: I have not found right female
Stranger: en
You: I am looking
Stranger: i want to find one
You: It is hard to find someone you like
Stranger: i'm not only short,but also ugly.
You: The one must respect me.
You: How can you say you are ugly?
Stranger: just that you love the one,he don' love you
Stranger: just i think
You: he is male. You like males? Not that there's anything wrong with that.
You: You have beauty inside
You: We all do
Stranger: no
Stranger: u don't have my words
Stranger: how do you know me
Stranger: no
You: I don't know you.
Stranger: all people could use he take it place
You: now this i do not understand
Stranger: why you say that i have beauty inside??
Stranger: 可以用他来指代任何人,明白了吧
Stranger: my mobil phone is 150501****3,you could call me. i want to make a friend to you.do you agree?
You: Well, I don't know. You seem like a nice guy
Stranger: no
You: Lonely, but a nice guy
Stranger: i'm just plain guy.
Stranger: hah
Stranger: maybe
Stranger: a waiting love guy
Stranger: aha
You: Tell you what. And this time I am being honest. Keep talking to people here and you're find other people that you are looking for. I don't think I'm the right guy for you. I'm from Canada, and I am Chinese
Stranger: i don't want to say goodbye.but i have to leave.i great to meet you.
You: A bientot!
Stranger: i know you are honest
You: Parlez vous une autre langue?
Stranger: hope you call mae
You: may whatever winds take us to whichever paths we are destined to follow. I have no idea what that really mans
You: er, means
Stranger: me ,too
Stranger: maybe it is friendship
You: Peut-etre
Stranger: or you could send me e-mail.my a-mail is 25834****@qq.com
Stranger: you are who talk with me so long time people
Stranger: thanks
You: Je peux faire ca. Je sais. Je suis vraiment inquete
Stranger: do you want to have lunch?
Stranger: i could not understang your mean
You: Quoi? Comment on fait ca?
Stranger: i'm a wooden guy
You: How can I possibly have lunch with you?
Stranger: come here with me have lunch,it is my treat.
Stranger: aha
Stranger: yes
Stranger: just come to my sckool
You: I’ll just email you, goddammit
You have disconnected.

NOTE: I have obscured the Stranger's info for anonymity's sake. Sorry to any Xuo Fuichi's out there.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Deliverance: Going From Fernie to Edmonton - How to Not Squeal Like a Pig

I made it from Fernie to Edmonton in 5 hours. All it took was a GPS, a good car with good passing capability, a driver who cares nothing for speed limits and excellent road conditions.

Also, it's very important to drive on isolated secondary highways with no towns to slow down for, where music playing from the movie 'Deliverance' is not only not unusual, but even expected in the background, where dead bodies will never be found, where clandestine secret cults go to meet and where picking up hitchhikers would almost mean certain death.

And perhaps even more importantly, no cops.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hunting Season and Ziplines

So, I went to Calgary for a couple days with a bunch of PharmaFriends.

We went to AHEIA Calgary Firearms Centre, which confuses the hell out of you by using a name that is deliberately uninformative and mysterious. In fact, even in the Yellow Pages, the listing mentioned no address and only a URL and phone number.
Still, I found out that it was cheap. Several bucks for shotgun rental and $8.50 for a box of 25 shells. And even crazier, FREE instruction. In fact, it cost just over $60 total for 5 people, for 2 hours, with free individualized instruction on how to use a shotgun. Clay target shooting, that is. Just like the Olympics. The instructor was good, being a former Olympic competitor. He was very receptive and helpful in teaching us the ways of the shotgun for 1 and 1/2 hrs. I got pretty good at it by the end, shooting about half of the clay pigeons that popped up.

Fun, yet somewhat disturbing, especially since the instructor left us alone for 5 minutes with 4 shotguns and a bunch of boxes of shells. You do the math.

Also, I went on the Zipline, a new thing at Calgary Olympic Park. So you can fly down the ski jump, attached to a wire and a harness. Luckily, I asked, and ain't no one died yet. Just a leg fracture, that's all. And that was because the person didn't follow proper braking procedures. It wasn't as scary as I thought. Still it was pretty cool, flying down the hill, though a bit pricey at $50.

I keep telling my friend Sinister Dex that he should hoop up a Zipline from his Newton Place balcony to DP6069 of the DentPharm building. It would take only 10 seconds to get to class.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Sickness that Wouldn't Go Away

For the last week or two, I've had a respiratory infection that has not changed for the last week, for better or worse. The same pattern emerges every day. Wake up. Cough and blow my nose every several minutes. Fight back a fever and headaches. Curse the day sickness made life miserable. Repeat.

I have seen a doctor and got some drugs, but they don't seem to do a thing. I think it's clear the infection is mocking me, messing with my mind. It's just trying to prolong my suffering, like a yapping dog that just grabs onto your leg and won't let go.

I almost wish I was getting worse. That way, at least something would change. Then I would know at least where I stand.

I haven't been going to work the last couple of weeks. I showed once for a couple hours, but then the pharmacist told me to go home, given my coughing fits. I guess it's better if I wasn't coughing on the patients' meds or my co-workers. Something about public health. I still go to school, though. Because well, students are supposed to get sick.

My mom probably thinks I got sick because I moved out and haven't been taking care of myself. Maybe she's right.